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小丑電影版 / Klovn: The Movie(2010) [AVI/1.12GBMB/BT]



【影片片名】:小醜電影高清版 (一刀未剪) [中文字幕]
【影片又名】:小丑電影版 / Klovn: The Movie (2010)
【平均評價】:★★★★★★★☆→ 7.3 顆星.
【影片大小】:1.12 GB
【影片格式】: AVI  【D9 →轉制AVI】
【視頻尺寸】:1020X572  (高清片)  
【影片演員】:Frank Hvam, Casper Christensen, Marcuz Jess Petersen, Mia Lyhne, Iben Hjejle, Lars Hjortshoj, Tina Bilsbo. Mads Lisby. Anne Moen. Niels Weyde. Elsebeth Steentoft. Roger Kormind. Michael Caroe. Dya Josefine Hauch. Marie Mondrup.
【檔案數目】:1個AVI+9個圖片群  (種子內有圖)  
【語種發音】:丹麥語發音. 簡體中文字幕.
【影片內容】:時裝.成人.劇情.喜劇.爆笑.情色. 等.
【影片片商】:NORDISK FILM.發行.
【內容附註】:※片內不加入自己ID, 亦不植入竊佔為己有的炫耀水印字語.
【影片附註】:※如欲再作原創發帖, 片內禁止另加論壇和個人水印之惡賤行為!!
【回覆附註】:※不喜此類型者請自律, 請勿回覆損人不利己的無聊言詞!!
【種子期限】:完30種後5天內不定期補種 (3週後刪檔) 【內容資料】:
【根據丹麥賣座熱門戲劇改編的性喜劇片】       弗蘭克和米亞是一對夫妻,因為弗蘭克不喜歡孩子,所以米亞一直沒有把自己懷孕的消息告訴他。在一次朋友的聚會上,弗蘭克得知了這個消息。米亞不知道弗蘭克是不是做好了做父親的準備,所以一直在糾結是否要流產。   為了證明自己能做一個好父親並且能照顧好一個孩子,弗蘭克一意孤行地帶上了自己的侄子波爾和自己的朋友加斯帕開始了計劃已久的漂流之旅。其實加斯帕去玩漂流和宿營都是表面現象,他其實是要把這次旅程當。       旅行中,弗蘭克和卡斯伯被照顧小孩的重任壓得喘不過氣來,他們決定終止水上活動,轉而去參加斯坎訥堡音樂節,在那裡,有酷爽飲料和性感火辣美女.......       CLOWN follows the antics of Frank (Frank Hvam) and Casper (Casper Christensen) as they embark on the “Tour de Pussy,” an annual pilgrimage to the estate of a wealthy man who hosts the best prostitutes from around the world for just on day of unforgettable debauchery. But, this is the story of their journey, not of the event itself. After Frank makes an utter mess of his relationship with Mia (Mia Lyhne) following some major, unexpected news. He joins Casper for a canoe trip down the river to the big event, but not without making a complete disaster of that as well.
Co-written by real-life comics Casper Christensen and Frank Hvam, and directed by Mikkel Norgaard, CLOWN pulls few punches and shies from even fewer taboos, but approaches the material with a distinctly European style. The film is a hilarious riot, but garners its laughs with subtle, brilliant tastelessness. Structurally, the film resembles THE HANGOVER, but with an ironically higher level of maturity. In many ways, CLOWN combines the vulgarity of this style of comedy with the awkwardness of THE OFFICE and the intelligence of Louis CK’s TV series LOUIE.
The key ingredient to the underlying story of CLOWN, is the young boy named Bo (Marcuz Jess Petersen) whom Frank uses catastrophically as a tool to prove to Mia he is a responsible man. Despite the crude nature of the comedy, CLOWN is actually a movie with a message, nearly invisible but present, as Frank gradually learns how to be a better man. Frank and Casper are polar opposite personalities, but work well together, like Abbott and Costello or Lucy and Desi. Both characters are accidents waiting to happen, walking /font>
CLOWN real appeal comes from Frank’s misguided actions aren’t without good intentions, albeit microscopic, but are masked by his selfish nature, a trait he is entirely oblivious too. Casper’s relentless pathology for sex only exasperates the many gut-wrenching scenes, dragging Frank and Bo along with him through the muck and filth. There is a very clear and well choreographed chain reaction at play here, allowing the absurdity to play out naturally on screen.
It’s difficult to say whether CLOWN will get a theatrical release in the US, but my gut reaction is that you’re best chance of seeing this comedic gem will be on DVD and/or blu-ray. This actually makes me sad, as the film rivals, even exceeds, THE HANGOVER and other American films of this type. Fair warning goes out to those easily offended, as CLOWN raises the shock bar higher than we’ve seen in American cinema, yet does so with a much more candid, more easily digestible formula to swallow.

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